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Imprint, Editorial Office, Privacy, and Disclaimer


Oppelner Str. 130
D-53119 Bonn

Phone: (0228) 710 024 - 00
Fax: (0228) 710 024 - 29

Mail: bapk(at) 

Association registry: Bonn No. 20 VR 5250

Editorial Office:

The Managing Director of the association is responsible for the content of this web site.

Guidelines for editorial work

The association undertakes to be neutral and independent; for detailed information, please click [ here ]. Of course these guidelines also apply to editorial work on the web site.

Information intended for publication is carefully checked for correctness or truthfulness and edited in such a way as to be easily comprehensible. Direct or indirect recommendations for medical products, therapy methods, as well as institutions or providers of medical or psychological services are not provided as a matter of principle.

Articles by other authors are published on our web site only if they comply with the above guidelines and potential conflicts of interest can be ruled out. Such contributions are listed with the author’s full name. All authors are personally known to the editorial staff.

External links are posted only after checking of the respective web site and are marked as such; for more information on exclusion of liability.

Despite all diligence we cannot rule out that individual items of information may be incorrect, either entirely or in part, or no longer valid. We undertake to correct errors without delay as soon as we become aware of them.

Important note:

The information provided on our web site should not and cannot take the place of professional or personal support.

We advise all sufferers and families to take advantage of appropriate services and will be happy to provide preparatory and continued support with our information.